Our policies

Privacy Policy

Upon enquiring or signing up for our newsletter, we collect personal information from you, including your:

- Name

- Contact information

We collect your personal information in order to:

- Respond to your enquiries

- Email you information about our business

We use an anonymous online screen-recording system to track frequently used pages and technical issues.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at hello@radagency.co.nz

Cookie Policy

Our use of cookies

‍Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users and this helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also to improve our website. For example, we keep track of the domains from which people visit and we also measure visitor activity on the websites. We use the information that we collect to measure the number of visitors to the different areas of our websites to improve website functionality.


By visiting our website with your browser settings adjusted to allow cookies or using our app you are consenting to the use of non-essential cookies and acknowledging our use of essential cookies for the purposes outlined below in order to provide you with a fully functional, tailored experience.

What is a cookie?

‍A cookie is a small portion of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future the cookie data can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity.


Please note:

• Accepting a cookie does not give us access to your computer or personal information stored on your hard drive under any circumstances.

• Although you can configure your web browser to not accept cookies, if you do so you may experience a resulting loss of functionality of this website.

Managing first-party cookies with your browser settings

‍If you would like to control the first-party cookies on our Services, you can use your browser to enable, disable, or delete cookies. To do this, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the “Help,” “Tools,” or “Edit” settings). However, please be aware that if you set your browser to disable cookies, you may not be able to access secure areas of the Services and other parts of the Services may also not work properly.

Cookies we may use:
Keeps track of where you’ve been to around the site, so when you click to go back you’ll be taken to the page you were on before.

Third party cookies
To give you the richest experience possible on our website, we use a number of third party services. As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded from one of these sites, you may be presented with cookies from these websites.Here’s a list of third-party services we use. For more information on each, we suggest you check the relevant third party website.


Google analytics:

‍This is the Google Analytics cookie that collects information about visitors to the site, traffic, page views and a number of other metrics. You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies here: www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html

We are not responsible for the use of cookies by third party service providers. When using third party services from this website, we encourage you to review each such website’s privacy statements and cookie policies to understand how personal information and cookies are used and dealt with by those third parties.


"We’re big believers in, we can give you all the information you want about your carbon, we can give you a number, and can give you a dollar figure ... but we also really want to get those fundamentals right.”

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